• The game has already been played by 1,500 participants.

  • The average rating of the game is 4.8 stars out of five.

  • The most visited virtual trip we make is to Las Vegas.

  • 92% of players would play another game.

  • We have played 50 games.

  • 20 different companies have played with us.

  • All the games are 100% our own.

  • 97% of players would recommend the game to colleagues and friends.

  • Players most often chose Chernobyl as their next destination.

  • We use Zoom, MS Teams, Webex & Google Meet.

  • We play in Czech or English.

Wine de France

4–6 players in a team
6–15 teams
3–4 hours full of flavour
easy difficulty

A tasting that will draw you in.
Team building engaging all the senses.
Test your knowledge.

Combine a virtual tour of France with wine tasting that will satisfy all your senses. You will learn a lot of interesting details about French wine as well as about the place which is considered the Mecca of this divine drink. As part of the game the contestants will receive a wine tasting pack. Getting oriented in rich individual notes in the taste or smell of the wine will earn you a better position in the game’s final ranking.

There is no online events, you can sign in.
If you want to play, please call +420 603 381 139 or send an email info@outdoorso­lutions.cz.