• The game has already been played by 1,500 participants.

  • The average rating of the game is 4.8 stars out of five.

  • The most visited virtual trip we make is to Las Vegas.

  • 92% of players would play another game.

  • We have played 50 games.

  • 20 different companies have played with us.

  • All the games are 100% our own.

  • 97% of players would recommend the game to colleagues and friends.

  • Players most often chose Chernobyl as their next destination.

  • We use Zoom, MS Teams, Webex & Google Meet.

  • We play in Czech or English.


5 rescuers in team
only 6 teams in workshop
3 hours
high difficulty

Interactive workshop with MUDr. Robert Pleskot.
Stupid questions highly recommended.
Difficulty team challenges.

Projdeme dva skutečné případy z praxe od prvních obtíží, přes záchranku, urgentní příjem, oddělení až k diagnóze a snad i propuštění z nemocnice. Určeno pro lidi se zájmem o urgentní medicínu (lektory PP, studenty, sestry, bratry, záchranáře, lékaře a tak). Srozumitelný jazyk, málo latiny, short, simple, stupid and sexy.

There is no online events, you can sign in.
If you want to play, please call +420 603 381 139 or send an email info@outdoorso­lutions.cz.